
What You Should Know About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to change the size and shape of the nose. It is often done to correct nasal injuries, crookedness or other abnormalities that can affect breathing, sneezing and general appearance. The procedure is generally safe and is performed in an outpatient setting. It is important to find a skilled surgeon who can provide you with the results you desire without compromising your safety. Choosing an experienced doctor who has been certified by the otolaryngology board is a good start.

You will be monitored in a recovery room for a few hours after your surgery. If everything goes well, you will be released later that day or night. In some cases, especially if the surgery is more complicated, you may need to stay in the hospital for a few days.

During recovery, you will need to rest with your head elevated higher than your chest to reduce bleeding and swelling. You may also need to avoid certain facial expressions until your skin has healed. You should also avoid putting any pressure on the area, and be careful not to bump your nose or get it wet for several weeks.

After a few days, you should be able to remove your external splint and return to most activities. A few weeks after that, your nose will begin to feel normal. Some swelling and bruising will still occur, but it should be minimal and fade within a few months.

If your nose is swollen or crooked, a rhinoplasty can help you achieve the look you want. You should make sure your doctor has extensive experience in rhinoplasty and that you’re comfortable with him or her before having the operation. Look for a doctor who has been accredited by the otolaryngology association and who works in a hospital with a reputation for excellent patient care.부산이비인후과

Your doctor may perform the procedure under local or general anesthesia, depending on your health and the complexity of the surgery. A nasal septal deviation can be corrected using a variety of techniques, including removing or adding cartilage, reshaping the nose wall and adjusting the nostrils. In some cases, the nose can be enlarged by adding cartilage or bone.

To improve air flow, your otolaryngologist may recommend radiofrequency turbinate reduction. This procedure uses a needle-like instrument that emits energy to the turbinates, making them smaller and less resonant. This makes it easier for your nasal cavity to move air, 부산코골이 and it can also alleviate symptoms of chronic sinusitis, such as postnasal drainage and congestion. If you have a severe nasal deformity, your doctor may perform a nasal fracture reduction under local anesthesia to return the bones back into a more normal position. This technique is usually reserved for patients who’ve suffered a nose injury that has caused the bone and cartilage to heal incorrectly. It’s best to undergo this procedure soon after the accident to prevent further damage and complications.